2025 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe 23 – 27 June 2025, Munich, Germany


The CLEO®/Europe-EQEC conference series has a strong tradition as a comprehensive and prestigious gathering of optics and photonics researchers and engineers in Europe. The conference highlights new frontiers in lasers, photonics and optical science across a wide range of technical areas.

With technical co-sponsorship provided by the European Physical Society (EPS), the IEEE Photonics Society (IPS) and the Optica, CLEO®/Europe reflects a strong international presence in the complementary research traditions of laser science, photonics and quantum electronics. The program will feature plenary lectures, keynote and tutorial speakers, invited talks, contributed talks and poster sessions within the different topics.

More specifically, CLEO®/Europe emphasizes applied physics, optical engineering and applications of photonics and laser technology whereas EQEC emphasizes basic research in laser physics, nonlinear optics and quantum optics.

CLEO®/Europe will showcase the latest developments in a wide range of laser and photonics areas including laser source development, materials, ultrafast science, fibre optics, nonlinear optics, terahertz sources, high-field physics, optical telecommunications, nanophotonics, and biophotonics.

EQEC will feature the fundamentals of quantum optics, quantum information, atom optics, ultrafast optics, nonlinear phenomena and self-organization, plasmonics and metamaterials, fundamental nanooptics, theoretical, and computational photonics.

This combination provides a unique forum to obtain informative overviews and discuss recent advances in a wide spectrum of topics, from fundamental light-matter interactions and new sources of coherent light to technology development, system engineering and applications in industry and applied science.