Submission to CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023
The regular online paper submission system is now closed. Authors’ notifications will be sent to the email address as given during the electronic submission on Thursday March 30, 2023.
Submissions for postdeadline contributions (oral only) are now closed.
A number of contributed papers covering original, unpublished work on the conference topics will be accepted as oral or poster presensations. The deadline to submit is Thursday January 26, 2023, 23:59 Paris time. No further extension will be possible.
Papers should be submitted to only one conference. The CLEO®/Europe and EQEC programme committees will transfer papers from one conference to the other where appropriate unless written instructions to the contrary are given by the author at the time of submission.
Authors must obtain appropriate approval to have their paper reviewed by and presented to an international audience. Registration is open to all members of the scientific and technical community.
Prior submitting, carefully read all instructions below and then submit here.
Two types of contributions can be chosen:
1. Oral or Poster.
2. Poster only.
Choosing the first option (Oral or Poster) will mean that your submission is automatically submitted as an oral contribution to the refereeing process. However, the programme committee can decide to affect it as a poster.
Choosing the second option (Poster only) will mean that your submission is only eligible for a poster presentation.
The option “Invited” is only authorized for the pre-invited presentations (including Plenary, Tutorial, Keynote and invited talks). Do not choose this option unless you were explicitly formerly pre-invited to present a plenary, tutorial, keynote or invited talk at the Conference.
Authors are requested to electronically submit:
1. A 35-word abstract
2. A one page summary in pdf format: Download template in word-format – PDF format – Latex format –
- Layout recommendations for the one page summary:
- Paper size: A4 format (210mm X 297mm)
- Margins: left & right = 25 mm, top & bottom = 25 mm
- Format: Acrobat (*.pdf) file
- Title: use 14pt Times bold letters centred on the page, with title Case formatting (example: Quantum Optics Information)
- Elements and acronyms should be capitalized.
- List all authors’ names, organisation/affiliation & mailing address under the title: Centre author name(s) on one line. Use 10-point, bold font. Author names should include first and middle names or initials followed by surname. Their affiliations must be indicated through the use of appropriate superscripts. Centre author affiliation(s) on the following lines. Use 8-point, italic font. Affiliations should follow the format: division, organization, address. Do not use abbreviations.
- Introductory Text . Please be concise in your presentation, highlighting what is novel and original about your submission. Do not repeat the separate 35 word abstract.
- Main text . The first line of the first paragraph of a section or subsection should start flush left. The first line of subsequent paragraphs within the section or subsection should be indented 0.5 cm.
- Tables . Tables should be centred and numbered consecutively. Table titles should be centred above the table and in a 10-point font. If the title is more than one line, it should have margins that match the width of the table. Tables should be positioned as close as possible to where they are mentioned in the main text.
- Figures . Figures should also be placed as close as possible to where they are mentioned in the text. All the figures should be centred, except for small figures less than 6 cm in width, which may be placed side by side. No part of a figure should extend beyond the typing area. Text should not wrap around figures. The figures can be provided in greyscale or colour. Figure captions should be centred beneath figures and in an 8-point font. Figure captions should be indented 1 cm on both sides and justified on both right and left sides.
- Equations
. Equations should be centred, unless they are so long that less than 1 cm will be left between the end of the equation and the equation number, in which case they may run on to the next line. Equation numbers should only appear to the right of the last line of the equation, in parentheses. For long equations, the equation number may appear on the next line. For very long equations, the right side of the equation should be broken into approximately equal parts and aligned to the right of the equal sign.
– - References
. References should appear at the end of the article in the order in which they are referenced in the body of the paper. The font should be 8 point, and the references should be aligned left.
Within the main text, references should be designated by a number in brackets [1], and they should precede a comma or period [2]. Two references cited at once should be included together [2,3], separated by a comma, while three or more consecutive references should be indicated by the bounding numbers and a dash [1–3].
For journal articles, authors are listed first, followed by the article’s full title in quotes, the journal’s title abbreviation, the volume number in bold, page number, and the year in parentheses.
[1] J. Itatani, D. Zeidler, J. Levesque, D. M. Villeneuve, and P. B. Corkum, “Controlling High Harmonic Generation with Molecular Wave Packets,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 123902 (2005). For citation of a book as a whole: authors, followed by title in italics, and publisher, city, and year in parenthesis.[2] G. P. Agrawal, Nonlinear Fiber Optics, 3rd. ed., (Academic Press, Boston, 2001). For citation of a book chapter, authors are listed first, followed by book title in italics, editors, and publisher, city, and year in parenthesis. Chapter number may be added if applicable.
[3] R. Kienberger and F. Krausz in, Few-cycle laser pulse generation and its applications, F.X. Kärtner ed. (Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2004). For citation of proceedings, follow the individual proceedings format:
[4] Author(s), “Title of paper,” in Title of Proceeding, Ed(s) Name(s), Proc. format ……
– Miscellaneous . Acknowledgments, job descriptions and footnotes(*) should not be included in the summary. Do not add any page number. Do not use hyphens at the end of a line.
(*) If required, funding information can be included in the footnote or anywhere where appropriate in the one page summary.Directives for the electronic submission:
The submission procedure takes five steps. Besides filling the on line form you need to upload a one page abstract in pdf format. Your contribution is properly submitted after performing all the steps only. You will get a proper success message on line and by email (from The online submission system properly handles numerous special characters. Details are available at the information page on special characters. Optionally you can also create mathematical symbols and formulas via LaTeX. Unfortunately some characters will get a special meaning once LaTeX is activated and the characters need to be replaced by proper code. In case of problems with the online submission system technical support is available.
Please take care of the following hints:
- Do not use CAPITAL WORDS for example in author names or the title (except for common acronyms). Examples:
- Do not write TRANSPORT AND OPTICS IN HIGH MAGNETIC FIELDS but Transport and optics in high magnetic fields.
- Do not write PETER SMITH but Peter Smith
- Do not write EUROPEAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, Mulhouse, FRANCE but European Physical Society, Mulhouse, France
However write C.N.R.S. • Be sure to not exchange the first name and the surname. Otherwise you will be listed by your first name in the author index. - Prefer to use full first names. Middle initials can be added after the first name. Do not state academic titles.
- Submit all the authors’ information and add as many authors as required. The system will not allow the conference organiser to make any change and the person registering the submission is entirely responsible for entering the full and correct list of all the authors.
- Do not misuse the LaTeX functionality to alter the font. However it’s acceptable to use single italic words or the usual bold notation for volume numbers in citations.
- Do not create empty vertical space. Do not use “” to create line breaks.
You need to upload a one page summary in PDF format. This extended version of the abstract will be included in the on line conference digest.
Alternative 1: Restore an already filled form It is possible to fill out a contribution form and to create a format test but instead of submitting the contribution right away you can download your data in form of a LaTeX file. Using this file you can then later on restore the filled form. Alternative 2: Modify an already submitted abstract. In the exceptional case an already submitted contribution needs to be modified, please fill in the key for modification you received during the contribution submission.
In the final step you will receive a submission confirmation on screen and by email. Be sure to get this confirmation to ensure the proper registration of your contribution in the conference database. The confirmation email which will be sent will contain the format test as pdf for your records and a key for corrections. Corrections are authorized until the deadline is passed. After that deadline the review process will begin and no change can any longer be brought.
These recommendations are intended to avoid technical problems in the transferral of your paper to the conference digest. Failure to follow these recommendations may result in papers being returned to authors.
Please note that the EPS will not manipulate or edit papers.
The summary will be published in the on line technical digest. Since contributed papers are selected on the basis of the summary, it should convey the original results in a succinct manner rather than describe the research topic.
Any of the following conditions may result in rejection of a paper:
– failure to submit the paper by the deadline date
– failure to complete the required fields on the web based submission form
– failure to follow the compulsory layout recommendations (a short abstract, a one page summary in pdf format)
– Plagiarism (IEEE policy requires that all accepted papers must be checked for plagiarism).
– Novelty of results is one of the main criteria which needs to be kept. As a rule, the results which have been already published will violate this criterion and will lead to rejection
Authors will be notified whether their papers have been accepted by Thursday March 30, 2023. The date and time for presentation will be determined after the programme committee has reviewed the papers.
Notifications will be sent to the email address as given during the electronic submission.
1. Only papers for which the author(s) physically made the presentation at the conference will be eligible for the publications.
2. The accepted one page summaries (oral or posters) will be published on line by Optica (formely OSA) Publishing Group ( and IEEE Photonics Society’s IEEE Xplore Digital Library ( ). IEEE requests an on line copyright approval during the submission.
The CLEO/Europe-EQEC conference digest series, containing papers presented as part of the conference programme, is registered in the name of IEEE. To the extent protectable by copyright law, the 2023 CLEO/Europe-EQEC conference digest as a whole shall be copyrighted by IEEE.
IEEE policy requires that prior to publication all authors or their employers must transfer to the IEEE in writing any copyright they hold for their individual papers. Transferring copyright is a necessary requirement for publication, except for material in the public domain or which is reprinted with permission from a previously published, copyrighted publication.
Upon transferring copyright to IEEE, authors and/or their companies have the right to post their IEEE-copyrighted material on their own servers without permission, provided that the server displays a prominent notice alerting readers to their obligations with respect to copyrighted material and that the posted work includes an IEEE copyright notice.
Authors are particularly encouraged to note the “Author Responsibilities” section of the IEEE Copyright Form, in which portions of IEEE PSPB Operations Manual, section 8.1.1.B (concerning statements in work published by IEEE are the expression of the authors) appear.
Publication with IEEE is subject to the policies and procedures as described in the IEEE PSPB Operations Manual. Authors must ensure that their work meets the requirements as stated in Section 8.2.1 of the IEEE PSPB Operations Manual, including provisions covering originality, authorship, author responsibilities and author misconduct.
IEEE takes the protection of intellectual property seriously. Accordingly, all submissions will be screened for plagiarism using CrossCheck. By submitting your work you agree to allow IEEE to screen your work. For more information please visit:
IEEE defines plagiarism as the reuse of someone else’s prior ideas, processes, results, or words without explicitly acknowledging the original author and source. It is important for all IEEE authors to recognize that plagiarism in any form, at any level, is unacceptable and is considered a serious breach of professional conduct, with potentially severe ethical and legal consequences. To reuse someone else’s work and make it appear to be your own denies the original author credit for his or her contributions to the research and to Society. If you neglect to properly credit the work you have reused, either by choice or by accident, you are committing plagiarism.