CLEO®/Europe 2025 Topics


Clara Saraceno, Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany (Chair)

Advances in solid-state lasers: novel solid-state lasers and amplifiers; high-power and high-energy lasers; power-scalable laser architectures; lasers for large-scale facilities; solid-state micro-chip lasers; crystalline waveguide lasers; short-wavelength lasers; up-conversion lasers; short-wave infrared and mid-infrared lasers; wavelength tuning techniques and tunable lasers; intracavity wavelength conversion; laser resonator design; techniques for thermal management and beam quality control; novel pump sources and pumping configurations; ns-pulse generation; amplitude and frequency stability; advanced laser crystals and ceramics, and glasses; spectroscopic characterization of solid-state gain media; laser characterization and modeling. 

CB – Semiconductor Lasers

Mikhail Belkin, Walter Schottky Institute, Munich, Germany (Chair)

New technology, devices and applications; UV lasers, visible lasers, near-infrared lasers; mid to far-infrared semiconductor lasers including W-lasers, quantum cascade and inter-subband lasers; quantum well, wire, dot and dash lasers; high power and high brightness lasers; vertical (extended) cavity surface emitting lasers; optically-pumped semiconductor lasers; photonic crystal semiconductor lasers, micro-cavity lasers, nanolasers, plasmonic lasers, polariton lasers; semiconductor ring lasers; short-pulse generation, mode locking; semiconductor optical amplifiers; new semiconductor laser materials, silicon-based lasers, novel characterization techniques; functional applications, including but not limited to: switching, clock recovery, signal processing; semiconductor lasers in integrated photonic circuits; laser dynamics, synchronization, chaos.

CC – Terahertz Sources and Applications

Giacomo Scalari, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland (Chair)

Sources for generating terahertz (far-infrared) radiation in the range from 200 GHz to 100 THz, based on various physical principles including ultrafast time-domain systems, direct generation using terahertz lasers, and sources based on nonlinear optical mixing and laser-created plasmas; applications using terahertz radiation for spectroscopy, nonlinear THz phenomena, sensing, and imaging; advances in terahertz communications; THz frequency combs; Integrated THz photonics; new terahertz measurement techniques and instrumentation, including advances in terahertz imaging, detector technologies, near-field microscopy, terahertz devices and environmental monitoring. 

CD – Applications of Nonlinear Optics

Nathalie Vermeulen, Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium (Chair)

Novel applications of nonlinear optical phenomena and new devices; nonlinear frequency conversion for the UV, visible, and IR and THz; telecommunications applications and all-optical switching; all-optical delay lines and slow light; optical parametric devices such as optical parametric amplifiers and oscillators; nonlinear optics in waveguides and fibres, including photonic crystal structures and microstructured optical fibres; quasi-phasematched materials and devices; novel nonlinear materials; metamaterials and nanostructures; stimulated scattering processes and devices; applications of optical solitons and photorefractives; electro-optic and Kerr devices in crystals and semiconductors; Raman and Brillouin based devices including amplifiers and lasers; nonlinear probing of surfaces; multi-photon imaging and coherent Raman microscopy; nonlinear quantum oriented devices and applications. 

CE – Optical Materials, Fabrication and Characterisation

Stavros Pissadakis, Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL), Heraklion, Greece (Chair)

Fabrication of optical materials; new crystalline and glass laser materials in bulk, fiber and waveguide geometry; micro- and nano-fabrication and -engineering techniques; heterogeneous integration techniques; optical characterisation of laser and nonlinear materials, micro-structured fibre and photonic crystal waveguides, micro- and nano-crystalline materials, single defect centres, quantum wells, quantum wires and quantum dots, nano-tubes and nano-needles, innovative organic materials.

CF – Ultrafast Optical Technologies

Nicolas Forget, CNRS, Université Côte d’Azur, Antibes, France (Chair)

Femtosecond and picosecond pulse generation from solid state, fiber and waveguide sources; mode-locked lasers; few-cycle optical pulses; pulse compression, carrier-envelope phase stabilization and pulse characterization; light waveform synthesis metrology; ultrashort-pulse semiconductor lasers and devices; ultrafast parametric amplifiers and parametric chirped pulse amplifiers; ultrashort-pulse mid-IR generation; supercontinuum generation; dispersion management; ultrafast electro-optics; pulse-shaping; carrier-envelope effects; ultrafast characterization methods and measurement techniques, ultrafast optoelectronic systems and devices; applications of ultrafast technology, technological aspects of ultrafast spectroscopy; ultrafast microscopic techniques; electro-optic sampling.

CG – High-Field Laser and Attosecond Science

Luis Roso, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain (Chair)

Ultrafast strong-field and attosecond phenomena; attosecond pulse generation; strong-field photo-ionization and ionisation dynamics; novel technologies for high-field physics and attosecond science; probing and excitation of ultrafast dynamics with intense attosecond free-electron laser pulses; control of high-field and attosecond phenomena; laser-driven rescattering and recollision phenomena; high-harmonic generation; time-resolved XUV/soft x-ray spectroscopy, interferometry and microscopy; attosecond and femtosecond diffraction imaging with electrons or photons; molecular dynamics driven by strong fields or probed by high-field/attosecond methods; attosecond or strong-field driven electron dynamics in the condensed phase, bulk media, nanostructures, quantum-confined structures or at surfaces/interfaces; ultra-high-intensity laser physics and technology; laser-plasma interaction and particle acceleration; relativistic nonlinear optical phenomena. Extreme field metrology. Study of the quantum vacuum with high-intensity lasers. Radiation reaction.  

CH – Optical Sensing and Microscopy

Cristian Focsa, University of Lille, Lille, France (Chair)

Inspection of a wide range of objects, from the macroscopic to the nanometric scale; recent progress in all aspects of optical sensing and metrology, particularly in new photonic sensor technologies and applications; plasmonic sensors; metamaterial sensors; biosensors; terahertz sensors; new trends in optical remote sensing; fibre sensors using conventional and photonic crystal fibres; active multispectral and hyperspectral imaging; sensor multiplexing; novel spectroscopic techniques, nanospectroscopy; applications and systems; novel measurement methods and devices based on interferometry; holography; diffractometry or scatterometry; critical dimension metrology; multiscale surface metrology; UV and DUV microscopy; resolution enhancement techniques in microscopy; superresolution microscopy inverse problems; active optics; adaptive optics; structured light; phase retrieval. 

CI – Optical Technologies for Communications and Data Storage

Sonia Boscolo, Aston University, Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies, Birmingham, UK (Chair)

Fibre devices including nonlinear fibre, propagation and polarisation effects, fibre gratings. Semiconductor devices for generation, processing and detection of optical signals. Digital signal processing, forward error correction, nonlinear Fourier transform. Submarine, core and metropolitan transport networks, communication and access networks, datacentre networks. Multi-core, multi-mode fibre for transmission, optical amplification and functions; multi-band optical amplification and transmission. Optical sub-systems including clock recovery, packet/burst switching, advanced modulation formats, radio-over-fibre and microwave photonic technologies, optical regeneration, and buffering; holographic and 3D optical data storage, near-field recording, and super-resolution. Free-space optical communications 

CJ – Fibre and Guided Wave Lasers and Amplifiers

Jayanta Kumar Sahu, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom (Chair)

Waveguide and fibre laser oscillators and amplifiers including novel waveguide and fibre geometries; power and energy scaling of waveguide and fibre lasers – including beam combination techniques (for both pump and signal beams) and new waveguide coupling approaches; up-conversion lasers; nonlinear frequency conversion and pulse generation and compression; spatio-temporal pulse evolution; advances in fibre waveguide materials; fabrication techniques for doped waveguide and fibre devices; active microstructured fibre and waveguide laser devices; novel waveguide and fibre sources, and beam delivery fibre for industrial applications; nanomaterials and their applications in fibre and guided wave lasers.


Stefano Pelli, CNR-IFAC, Sesto Fiorentino (FI), Italy (Chair)

Nanostructured materials and fabrication techniques for photonic applications, including additive approaches; novel phenomena occurring when light is created, transported and detected in environments where either dimensionality or size are reduced and, in particular, when light-matter interaction occurs in regions smaller than or similar to the wavelength of light. Periodic or quasi-periodic nanostructures (photonic crystals); issues related to order/disorder in nanostructured materials; photonic integrated circuits and applications advancing the integration of photonic devices for biology, lighting, communication, sensing and energy efficiency; optical MEMS; WGM optical resonators; hybrid and 2D nanomaterials including in-/organic nano-layers/wires, nanocrystals and single molecules. 

CL – Photonic Applications in Biology and Medicine

Kenneth K. Y. Wong, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China (Chair)

Emerging concepts in biophotonics: single particle/molecule detection and tracking; spatio-temporal manipulation of light fields for biomedicine; enhanced linear and nonlinear excitation and detection; micro-fluidics, optofluidics and micro-optics; new optical probes for local measurements including organic and inorganic nanoparticles, electric fields and temperature measurements; New routes and modalities for optical detection in biophotonics : spectroscopy; holography, adaptive optics, phase conjugation time reversal; optics in biological media: scattering; coherence; polarization; symmetry and invariance. Advanced light sources and geometries for microscopy, phototherapy, surgery, biomedicine.

CM – Materials Processing with Lasers

François Courvoisier, CNRS Institut Femto-ST, Besançon, France (Chair)

Fundamentals of laser-materials interactions: phase transformation, chemical reactions, diffusion processes, ablation; high-power laser-materials processing: welding, cutting, surface treatment; thin-film growth; direct write techniques; 2D and 3D micro/nano structuring, laser-induced forward transfer, plasma related processes; laser assisted nanosynthesis and crystallization; femtosecond laser micromachining; ultrafast laser processing: volume modification, index engineering; laser-assisted manufacturing; additive manufacturing: two-photon polymerization and 3D laser printing. 

EQEC 2025 Topics

EA – Quantum Optics and Quantum Matter

Hamed Merdji, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France (Chair)

Quantum light sources and applications; nonlocality and quantum interference; squeezing and entanglement; quantum correlations, coherence, and measurement; quantum fluid of light; multimode and mesoscopic quantum optics; single photon emission and absorption; quantum optics in cavities; slow light and quantum memories; quantum imaging and quantum lithography; quantum coherent effects in biology; Developments in few- and many-body phenomena with ultracold quantum gases of atoms and molecules; quantum simulation; superfluidity and thermodynamics in Bose and Fermi systems; dipolar physics with atoms and molecules; Efimov physics; atom interferometry; hybrid systems such as cold and trapped ion/atom setups, optomechanical devices.

EB – Quantum Information, Communication, and Sensing

Hugo Defienne, Sorbonne University, Paris, France (Chair)

Quantum computers and quantum communication systems ; quantum algorithms and communication protocols, quantum simulations, quantum key distribution, quantum logic gates, entanglement distribution and distillation, interfaces between static and flying qubits, quantum memories; integrated quantum devices, quantum nano-mechanics, ion-trap arrays, superconducting structures, quantum dots, cavity QED systems.

EC – Topological States of Light

Stefan Rotter, Vienna University of Technology, Austria (Chair)

Advances in topological photonic lattices, topological edge states, topological pumps, synthetic dimensions, Dirac and Weyl points, topological lasers, topology and disorder, topology in non-Hermitian systems, probes of topological invariants, topological aspects of photonic quasicrystals, nonlinear topological effects, Floquet-topological photonics, spin-orbit coupling in photonic materials, non-reciprocity.

ED – Precision Metrology and Frequency Combs

Marco Marangoni, Politecnico di Milano and Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnology, Milano, Italy (Chair)

Precision interferometry and spectroscopy including frequency combs; quantum metrology; ultimate limitations of measurement precision as imposed by the nature of quanta; tests of fundamental symmetries; definition of basic units; measurement of fundamental constants; applications in different spectral ranges, including mid-infrared.

EE – Ultrafast Optical Science

Michael Hemmer, JILA, Boulder, USA (Chair)

Fundamental aspects of ultrafast science in all spectral regimes; propagation and instabilities of ultrashort pulses in linear and nonlinear media, supercontinuum generation, ultrafast filamentation and applications, extreme events, rogue waves and turbulence dynamics; ultrafast spectroscopy of molecules, solids and low dimensional structures; ultrafast phenomena in physics, chemistry and biology; propagation media: gas, liquid, and solid materials; free-space and waveguided geometries; coherent control using femtosecond pulses.

EF – Nonlinear Phenomena, Solitons and Self-organization

Sveltana Gurevich, University of Münster, Münster, Germany (Chair)

Nonlinear optical phenomena including dynamics and self-organization; frequency conversion, wave mixing, parametric processes, conservative and dissipative solitons, pattern formation, interaction between disorder and nonlinearities, complex behaviours and statistically heavy-tailed phenomena. Applications of nonlinear phenomena; nonlinear imaging and manipulation, novel optical materials, devices and systems. Fundamental aspects of nonlinear dynamics in single or coupled photonic devices, polariton condensates, micro and nano lasers, photonic crystals, optomechanical systems.

EG – Light-matter Interactions at the Nanoscale

Mathieu Mivelle, Sorbonne University, Paris, France (Chair)

Fundamental aspects of light-matter interactions at the nanoscale: nanoantennas and nanophotonic architectures, classical and quantum models, detection, emission and manipulation of light and/or matter; quantum nano-optics: coherent, quantum and nonlinear optical effects; ultrafast and strong-field phenomena at the nanoscale: interactions with electrons/plasma and their applications, ultrafast dynamics; optical imaging and spectroscopy: nanoscopy, nano-optical forces and tweezers; nano-energy: radiative transfer, photovoltaics and catalysis.

EH – Plasmonics and Metamaterials

Michele Celebrano, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy (Chair)

Plasmonic nanostructures and metamaterials and their applications to light management and light harvesting, but also sensing, metrology, and optical signal processing. Metal and dielectric-based nanoantennas and metamaterials, cavities, and waveguides as well as metal/dielectric hybrid platforms for application ranging from the UV to the mid-infrared domain. Active metasurfaces and nanophotonic platforms for electro-optical modulation, nonlinear optics, lasing as well as THz generation and detection. Study of fundamental electromagnetic phenomena in metamaterials and applications such as realization photonic meta-circuits, negative refractive index metamaterials, cloaking, transformation optics, structured light, nonlinear light conversion, light trapping and focusing (metalenses). 


Nicolo Maccaferri, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden (Chair)

Light-matter interactions in low-dimensional materials (van der Waals layered compounds, perovskites, NV centers, MXenes, phase-change materials, strongly correlated materials, etc.) and related heterostructures, and their applications in photonics and opto-electronics; ultrafast dynamics and nonlinear processes in low-dimensional materials; light sources, modulators, detectors, and other opto-electronic and photo-active (including photovoltaic) devices based on low-dimensional materials; tunable plasmonics, nanophotonics and metamaterials based on low-dimensional 

EJ – Theoretical and Computational Photonics Modelling

Fabian Maucher, University of Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (Chair)

Predictive theoretical and computational approaches for all fields of optics and photonics: full and semi-analytical treatments; applied mathematics and numerical analysis of partial differential equations; high-performance computing, massively parallel codes, including utilization of hardware accelerators. Modelling of singular nonlinear processes, shocks, wave collapse, material processing; first principle calculations of optical properties in dielectrics, plasmas, semiconductors and plasmonic structures; modelling of artificial optical materials.