Speaker and Poster Instructions

Presentation Management & Speaker Services

Speakers are requested to adhere to the following time limits:

  • Oral presentations are 15 minutes long (12 minutes presentation + 3 minutes for discussion).
  • Post-deadline presentations are 10 minutes long (7 minutes presentation + 3 minutes for discussion).
  • Invited presentations are 30 minutes long (25 minutes presentation + 5 minutes for discussion).
  • Tutorial presentations are 60 minutes long (50 minutes presentation + 10 minutes for discussion)
  • Keynote presentations are 45 minutes long (38 minutes presentation + 7 minutes for discussion)
  • Plenary presentations are 60 minutes long (50 minutes presentation + 10 minutes for discussion).
Speakers must check-in with the session chair in the room of their relevant session ten minutes before the beginning of the session.

Each conference room will be equipped with complete presentation equipment:  beamer/screen, laptop & presenter.

Important note:
All presentations must be uploaded in advance.
• Due to time limitations, it is not possible to connect the speaker’s laptop/hardware device for the lecture directly in the conference room.
• It is also not possible to upload presentations directly to the conference room using the installed presentation laptop.

Advance Upload Service (More information will be available in spring 2025)

Service Onsite / Opening Times Speaker Check-In (More information will be available in spring 2025)

Presentation Format Guidelines (More information will be available in spring 2025)

Provided Audiovisual Equipment (More information will be available in spring 2025)


Posters are a major attraction and provide a personal interaction between the presenter and the viewer. To allow participants to see as many posters as possible, all  posters will be displayed in Hall B0 (ground floor) next to the ICM centre. The conference will feature 5 poster sessions taking place from Monday to Friday during the lunch hour from 12:00 pm to 13:30 pm. There will be no coinciding oral presentations during this time.

Poster Day Topics Schedule:
Monday Topics: CA, CB, CM, ED, EJ, JS-II 
Tuesday Topics: CD, CF, CK, EG
Wednesday Topics: CH, EE, EF, JS-I, JS-IV
Thursday Topics: CE, EA, CG, EB, EH
Friday Topics: CC, CI, CJ, CL, EC, EI, JS-III 
Each author is provided with one board on which to display a summary of the paper. The size of the poster should not exceed 100-105 cm wide x 150 cm high (AO-portrait orientation).  Fixing material (adhesive tape) will be provided. The boards will be grouped by topics and marked with the poster reference numbers.
Authors are requested to display their poster on their allocated board in the morning of the day of their presentation. The poster presentations can remain on the boards until 4:00 pm on the allocated day.
In order to present their work and answer questions, authors are requested to be present in the vicinity of their poster on the day of their presentation time. If the presenter is not on-site, the poster presentation will be discarded from the publications. There will be no coinciding oral presentations during this time.

Early-Stage Researcher (ESR) Session – Poster Pitches

In collaboration with the CLEO®/Europe-EQEC 2025 co-organizers (European Physical Society, Optica, IEEE Photonics Society), the European Optical Society will chair two Early-Stage Researcher (ESR) Sessions, offering an opportunity for selected PhDs and Post-docs to hold a 3-minute oral presentation (pitch) to introduce their upcoming poster presentation.

Two sessions with thirteen presentations each will take place on Monday, June 23 and Wednesday, June 25 from 12:00 pm – 13:00 pm. Presentations will need to be uploaded in advance. Further instructions to follow soon.

Post Conference Publications

After the conference, if approval is given during the online submission, the one-page summaries will be published online at:

OSA Publishing

IEEE Photonics Society’s IEEE Xplore Digital Library

Only papers (either oral or poster) for which the author(s) made the presentation at the conference will be eligible for the publications.